IIITA Model United Nations

Effervescence proudly presents to you all the 5th edition of IIIT Allahabad Model United Nations. Welcome to the official website of IIITA-MUN'18.


Mantek Singh - Secretary General

Having been a part of 12 MUN conferences and 1 parliamentary debate, Mantek has exhibited excellent administrative and leadership skills in the past and looks to build on that reputation with this MUN. His marvellous debating and speaking skills are what set him apart from the rest. In his spare time you would see him in his room binge-watching on some tv series that he intends to force his friends to watch or coding and cribbing about how the question is not clear till his solution gets accepted.

Akash Mishra - Deputy General

Being basically from Lucknow, Akash has smartened his attitude and personality with excellent administrative and leadership skills .He has comes out as an amazing writer and a fluent and impressive speaker. Managing to do extremely well in academics as well as co-curriculars, he has definitely proved the paragon that he as a person is.

Niharika Gali - Deputy General

"Curiosity killed the cat but before that, it killed me." This is her life saying and so she sometimes ends up reading fiction by diving right into the climax first. Obsessing over books more than people, wrapping herself into the magical world of fantasy and T.V series yet being a hardcore realist, having a sarcastic veiwpoint alongwith a generously considerate persona, she's an oxymoron in herself. If she could describe herself with absolute ease, I reckon there wouldn't be any surprises left to explore. Basically, she's everything we are and yet she's extraordinarily different.

Bhanu Bhandari - Deputy Secretary General

He’s usually lazing around making or browsing memes. When he’s not, however, he codes, he writes, and he can be found organising just about everything that goes on in this college. He’s fond of cyber security, reading, AI, politics and tech.Can play a total of 4 songs on the guitar. He’s an editor at Nybles and founding member of AIESEC Allahabad. How he finds time to manage everything despite scouring online forums like Reddit and 4chan for the entire day is beyond understanding.

Animesh Jha - USG Administration

Being from Bokaro ,Animesh has been privileged with excellent administrative and leadership qualities.His persona makes him stand unique and distinct from others and this is what lets him create and experience the life the way he wants to. From holding a sound opinion precisely for every topic, to being a firm believer of hard work and perseverance ,he has unquestionably proved himself to be a person with admirable and exceptional calibre.

Aayush Chaudhry - USG Financial Affairs

Born and brought up in Amritsar, Aayush as a kid, and till this day, is a big foodie. He loves Butter Chicken with Lachha Parantha more than anything else. His life mantra is simple “Eat, Sleep and Repeat.” Whenever he is not sleeping or eating he can be found watching movies or binging a TV series and he claims that he understood Primer. A firm believer of hard work and perseverance, he believes in quote “something that is worth having never comes easy.”

Ekansh Bansal - USG Information Services

Hailing basically from Dehradun ,this guy is probably used to amaze people around him with his unparalleled skills.Having an admirable persona and being a typical extrovert ,he perhaps knows how to engage into pragmatic conversation with anyone he comes across.Also having been part of various debates and MUN in the previous years he has metamorphosed himself into a brilliant orator . Writing, watching TV series, movies and following sports like football and cricket are among the few things that interests him in life.

Shivangi Jaiswal - USG International Press

Her simplicity and her determination is what delineates her persona. She firmly holds the notion that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and in character,in manner,in style the supreme excellence lies in being yourself. Shivangi was a member of the IP team and live blogged the entire event last year. She would prefer spending time reading books and being lost in her own treasured world rather than hanging out or interacting with human beings.Her love for coffee ,music and books are the only things that describes her entire lifestyle.

Sumeet Singh - USG Socio-Economic Affairs

Sumeet Singh was born and raised in Ludhiana and now is a second-year student of information technology at IIIT Allahabad who's always excited for long political talks combined with coffee. He's an avid photographer and always up for mountains. Outside classroom Sumeet spends time with friends playing games & devotes countless hours compiling music playlists & lurking on Reddit. He is looking forward to help recreate last year’s magical experience at this year’s conference and turn IIITA-MUN 2018 into an amazing experience for everyone!

Ambuj Agrawal - USG Socio-Economic Affairs

He is a self proclaimed connoisseur of dank memes, movies ,TV series and good music. He is fascinated by history and intrigued by philosophy. An ambivert realist by nature, he is capable of eating 3 medium sized pizza in a single sitting. He is the guy who you can talk to hours about nothing and everything, from life to lies which he claims to be the same which then tends to inspire and depress you, often at the same time. Mountains, beaches, city lights and tall buildings makes him sonder while all he wishes in life is to have a positive influence on humankind before fading away into oblivion.

Vinamer Vansil - USG Delegate Welfare

A guy with some inlcination towards music who may seem to be an introvert at first, but speaks his heart out once mixes with someone.He is also a guy full of life and very optimistic.It may not be woth mentioning that being a punjabi he is also a food lover.

Snigdha Dobhal - USG Delegate Affairs

A cheerful , alluring young lady with some unparalleled brilliance are attributes that perfectly delineates her.From managing the editorial teams in her school to being member of various media teams in her college ,she is the the one who has a phenomenal adroitness in content writing. Being a typical extrovert, she is known to speak her mind and express her thoughts ,arguments and ideas clearly and effectively. Snigdha represented France in Security Council during MUN 2017.She was also the one to receive special mention as Delegate of Georgia in DISEC Committee of MUN’17.

Sahil Goyal - USG Delegate Affairs

He is a firm believer of notion of simplicity.He holds the idea that in life we need to subtract the obvious and add the meaningful. A perfectionist who is known to put genuine efforts in activities he gets himself involved in.Being an avid learner he has excelled brilliantly in his academics.He has perhaps most adorably incorporated extra -curriculars and academics in his schedule. Having a tinge of exploratory and experimental perspective, adventures perhaps perfectly delineates him as a person.

Aadya Mishra - USG Delegate Welfare

Being a perfect blend of innovative ideas and thoughts , Aadya Mishra is known to speak her mind distinctly .Possessing an elegant and a charming persona ,she knows how to celebrate her individuality . Apart from excelling in co-cirricular activities she has managed to outshine in her academics over the year as well. She has put herself to test in approximately every facet of life.Travelling,reading,or watching TV series are among the few things that interests her in life.

Shivansh Tiwari - USG Information Services

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